Sunday, May 24, 2020
An Article About A 69 Year Old Immigrant Man From Iran
The article I chose is about a 69-year-old immigrant man from Iran, named Farhad Tabrizi. Mr. Tabrizi went to the Emergency Room because he was coughing up blood, had severe chest pain along with various other symptoms. After the ER admitted him and continue to conduct various tests to determine the problem, hospital staff worked on gathering Mr.Tabrizi’s medical history. This proved difficult to do because he didn’t speak any English only fluent Farsi. His son who accompanied him spoke reasonably fluent English and Farsi so the medical staff tried to get as much medical history out of the son when he was around, but his visits were often unpredictable and Mr. Tabrizi seemed to get uncomfortable giving out information about his family and their medical backgrounds. He also refused to eat any of the food the hospital provided to him. His son explained that he feared the food may have hidden pork bi-products and decided it was safer to just not eat the food. The medical staff told Mr. Tabriazi son that they spoke to the chief and made sure his food was prepared without any pork by-products and that they respected his religious beliefs and would make certain it was prepared in a way that he wished. Even with that said, Mr Tabrizi’s wife continued to bring in food from outside the hospital on her visits for him to eat. After three days of staying at the hospital, the results from the tests come back. The doctor sits down with Mr. Tabrizi, his son, and his wife. The doctor asksShow MoreRelatedImmigrants Desperately Running Away from Conflict or Oppression3283 Words  | 14 PagesIntroduction After the United States’ withdrawal from Viet Nam War and the fall of the Saigon to Communist in April, 1975, millions of people fled the country, for their lives and freedom. Many of them immigrated to the U.S. in two different waves. The first wave started in 1975, comprising people who associated with the Americans. 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