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Research Paper Topics Related To American Rvolution
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Battleship Potemkin essays
Warship Potemkin articles A film is something that we search for needing amusement, so how is it that a film can have such a great amount of effect on the real world? In the film Battleship Potemkin this is a genuine articulation. It is a film built during the hour of Revolutions in Russia. This film presents numerous things that are emblematic during this time. The officials and the laborers, the spoiled meat, alongside the canvas, to me, are generally representative things in the film. During this time Russia still couldn't seem to make its jump into current industrialization world. Under Russias medieval framework, serfs were bound to the honorable whose land they worked. By the 1820 numerous Russians accepted that serfdom must end. In the Russians eyes it wasn't right and it was keeping Russia away from progressing financially. The Czars didnt need to free the serfs. By liberating them it would outrage the landowners whose help the emperors required. Regardless of whether the landowners would get distraught liberating the serfs happened under Alexanders change. Unrest would occur; it was simply a question of time before it did. On of the main representative things I noted in the film were the officials and the laborers. In Potemkin, the enrolled man is the saint speaking to the Worker, experiencing unreasonably the savage treatment they get from the Officers, who speak to the Ruling Class. They are constrained throughout each and every day to do very similar things. The manner in which they need to live nauseate the men on the Battleship Potemkin. The absolute last thing that could be tolerated was the point at which a shipment of spoiled meat, loaded up with slimy parasites was conveyed. This shows how much the officials care about the troopers. They imagine that in the event that they feed them anything the warriors wouldnt care. For quite a while the troopers didnt care. They ate the spoiled meat again and again yet this time they wouldnt pull out all the stops. This is additionally how the Ruling class sees the average workers, in the event that they treat them like anything the w ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Experience & self awareness Essay
Notwithstanding my work understanding, I have solid correspondence, client care, office, and authoritative aptitudes and comprehend with the instruction hypothesis from a portion of my modules I finished and have such a great amount of energy for the accommodation/the travel industry field. I am glad to learn new aptitudes as this will assist me with picking up understanding for my future vocation and would be excited to work for an effective firm like Holiday Inn. Besides I can guarantee you my administration will be of advantage ,I surely anticipate hearing back from you soon. 1. Kathy needed adequate passionate insight to be compelling in her new task administrator task without anyone else mindfulness: Kathy had a profound comprehension of her quality not her shortcoming to have the opportunity to converse with her staff. There was likewise absence of compassion as she neglected to have the â€Å"ability to perceive the sentiments and desires for other people and bring them into consideration†as they were additionally neighborhood occupants. Poor relationship with the staff came about to â€Å"a battle of latent protection from her leadership†. 2. The component she show effectively were: †¢Motivation: despite the fact that the undertaking turned out to be immediately impeded because of horrible showing she despite everything figured out how to spur herself and â€Å"pushed her group hard†. Additionally by settling objectives for staff and senior individuals from the venture to â€Å"work long hours†to achieve significant achievements so as to finish the task. B. Primary techniques for correspondence include: Verbal correspondence either through sound, work or addressing different individuals from the undertaking or recorded clasps of the senior individuals. Additionally Written correspondence either messaging or letters with the utilization of PCs and web for messages. What's more visual correspondence through diagrams from exceed expectations or video cuts on YouTube or TV along these lines adding to the IT and applications. C. 5 Traits of passionate knowledge me: Self mindfulness: In secondary school was given an introduction on Kidneys, a touchy subject figured out how to trust my intuition& assumed responsibility for my feelings as that was my shortcoming. Self guideline: one of my cousins utilized my sack without soliciting, I needed to consider how I was going to converse with them as opposed to battling. Inspiration: When given at least 2 assignments during school treated myself on the off chance that I completed a day prior to the deadline& the days expanded as the year advanced. Sympathy: when my companion lost her job& I had quite recently found a new line of work I helped her with a portion of her bills as I had been in a comparable circumstance previously. Social abilities: I figured out how to manufacture a decent connection with my new coworkers just as keeping up one with my loved ones.
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Why Strong Resume Writing is so Important
Why Strong Resume Writing is so Important Why Your Resume Writing Can Make or Break Your Job Hunt Why Your Resume Writing Can Make or Break Your Job Hunt The job force can be extremely competitive, especially in more specific industries. It can be tough to try to stand out from the rest and show your future employer why you’re the best candidate for the job. Strong resume writing is going to be the tool that sets you apart in a stack of applications. You don’t need to be a great writer to craft a fantastic resume, but you do need to understand that without one, your job hunt will suffer. It’s The Most Important First Impression You’ll Make Did you know that the average employer only looks at your resume for about 8-10 seconds before making a decision? That’s not a lot of time to show someone why you’d make a great future employee. First impressions are everything in the job market. Your resume is your chance to show your future employer why you’re different, and why you matter more than the competition. It’s your shot to make it to the next round, whether that’s an in-person interview or a phone call, so you need to make sure you give it your best shot. There are Tons of Customization Options Available Since your resume is all about representing you, there’s no need to stick to one specific template. The most savvy candidates are the ones who customize every part of their resume. Now, we aren’t saying that you need to fill your resume with tacky embellishments, but you can definitely tweak your layout and add your own (professional) flare. It’s also important to customize your resume to the specific industry or role that you are applying to. Showcase those skills that make you perfect for the job, and leave the irrelevant ones out. Or, at the very least, move those skills down on the list. Your Resume Could be Important Even After You Land the Job Once you get hired, depending on the industry you work in, you may need to keep your resume on hand to showcase your skills within departments. You may even need to do this for clients depending on the type of company you work for. Certain client projects that require certain skills could set you apart from the rest of your coworkers and help your company land that contract. Let a Resume Writing Professional do The Work For You If you can’t seem to nail down your resume, there are options for you. Our resume writing services provide custom, individually crafted resumes tailored exactly to your specifications and industry. We make sure you get the most out of your job hunt with a resume that really stacks up. Order your custom written resume now and get started on those job applications! References Heathfield, S. (2016). Resume. The Balance. Retrieved from resume-and-why-is-it-important-1918246. Roo, J. (2015). The importance of a well written professional resume. LinkedIn. Retrieved from . Why Strong Resume Writing is so Important Why Your Resume Writing Can Make or Break Your Job Hunt Why Your Resume Writing Can Make or Break Your Job Hunt The job force can be extremely competitive, especially in more specific industries. It can be tough to try to stand out from the rest and show your future employer why you’re the best candidate for the job. Strong resume writing is going to be the tool that sets you apart in a stack of applications. You don’t need to be a great writer to craft a fantastic resume, but you do need to understand that without one, your job hunt will suffer. It’s The Most Important First Impression You’ll Make Did you know that the average employer only looks at your resume for about 8-10 seconds before making a decision? That’s not a lot of time to show someone why you’d make a great future employee. First impressions are everything in the job market. Your resume is your chance to show your future employer why you’re different, and why you matter more than the competition. It’s your shot to make it to the next round, whether that’s an in-person interview or a phone call, so you need to make sure you give it your best shot. There are Tons of Customization Options Available Since your resume is all about representing you, there’s no need to stick to one specific template. The most savvy candidates are the ones who customize every part of their resume. Now, we aren’t saying that you need to fill your resume with tacky embellishments, but you can definitely tweak your layout and add your own (professional) flare. It’s also important to customize your resume to the specific industry or role that you are applying to. Showcase those skills that make you perfect for the job, and leave the irrelevant ones out. Or, at the very least, move those skills down on the list. Your Resume Could be Important Even After You Land the Job Once you get hired, depending on the industry you work in, you may need to keep your resume on hand to showcase your skills within departments. You may even need to do this for clients depending on the type of company you work for. Certain client projects that require certain skills could set you apart from the rest of your coworkers and help your company land that contract. Let a Resume Writing Professional do The Work For You If you can’t seem to nail down your resume, there are options for you. Our resume writing services provide custom, individually crafted resumes tailored exactly to your specifications and industry. We make sure you get the most out of your job hunt with a resume that really stacks up. Order your custom written resume now and get started on those job applications! References Heathfield, S. (2016). Resume. The Balance. Retrieved from resume-and-why-is-it-important-1918246. Roo, J. (2015). The importance of a well written professional resume. LinkedIn. Retrieved from .
Sunday, May 24, 2020
An Article About A 69 Year Old Immigrant Man From Iran
The article I chose is about a 69-year-old immigrant man from Iran, named Farhad Tabrizi. Mr. Tabrizi went to the Emergency Room because he was coughing up blood, had severe chest pain along with various other symptoms. After the ER admitted him and continue to conduct various tests to determine the problem, hospital staff worked on gathering Mr.Tabrizi’s medical history. This proved difficult to do because he didn’t speak any English only fluent Farsi. His son who accompanied him spoke reasonably fluent English and Farsi so the medical staff tried to get as much medical history out of the son when he was around, but his visits were often unpredictable and Mr. Tabrizi seemed to get uncomfortable giving out information about his family and their medical backgrounds. He also refused to eat any of the food the hospital provided to him. His son explained that he feared the food may have hidden pork bi-products and decided it was safer to just not eat the food. The medical staff told Mr. Tabriazi son that they spoke to the chief and made sure his food was prepared without any pork by-products and that they respected his religious beliefs and would make certain it was prepared in a way that he wished. Even with that said, Mr Tabrizi’s wife continued to bring in food from outside the hospital on her visits for him to eat. After three days of staying at the hospital, the results from the tests come back. The doctor sits down with Mr. Tabrizi, his son, and his wife. The doctor asksShow MoreRelatedImmigrants Desperately Running Away from Conflict or Oppression3283 Words  | 14 PagesIntroduction After the United States’ withdrawal from Viet Nam War and the fall of the Saigon to Communist in April, 1975, millions of people fled the country, for their lives and freedom. Many of them immigrated to the U.S. in two different waves. The first wave started in 1975, comprising people who associated with the Americans. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The And Puerto Rico - 1864 Words
Puerto Rico is an archipelago that is currently a territory of the United States of America with its official name being, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; however, it is often referred to by Puerto Ricans as Borinquen, a term derived from the name given to the island by its original Taà no natives, Borikà ©n. The Taà no natives were the last group of people to live on the island unphased by the outside world and are also the most well known pre-columbian settlement of Borinquen due to the greater number of archaeological remains and Spanish documents from the era; the period the Taà no people inhabited the island is currently known as the Taà no phase (PicoÃŒ 12). The Taà no natives were able to fully utilize the island’s resources unlike the earlier inhabitants, â€Å"amerindians†, due to their modified cultivation processes, â€Å"cultivation was started by setting fire to the area of forest that was to be cleared. Then the soil was heaped into mounds on top of which stalks were planted†(PicoÃŒ 13-14). This process allowed for a growth in population sizes where some settlements may have even reached near five-hundred people from what was once only about twenty-five people that could be fed daily through hunting, fishing and gathering fruits during the time before the Taà no phase (PicoÃŒ 14). During the Taà no phase, the people lived under a hierarchy of sorts. Nitainos were the ruling class with more important responsibilities: heading war expeditions and influencing collective decisionShow MoreRelatedHomicide in Puerto Rico3345 Words  | 14 PagesSOC-291 Sept. 2011 Homicide in Puerto Rico Table of Contents Abstract 3 History 4 Comparison of violent crime in Puerto Rico and the mainland 5 Comparison of Homicide Rates Between Puerto Rico and the Mainland Read MorePuerto Rico Essay969 Words  | 4 PagesShowing up in sea tempest attacked Puerto Rico since Marias landfall, President Trump offered a healthy round of congrats to government help endeavors and expressed gratitude toward the islands representative. In any case, the president likewise recommended Maria was not a genuine calamity, made an odd and misdirecting correlation with the loss of life from Hurricane Katrina, and clowned about how the sea tempest would influence the government spending plan. â€Å"Puerto Rico survived the hurricane, PresidentRead MoreThe Independence Of Puerto Rico1407 Words  | 6 PagesPresident Truman was an indication that Puerto Ricans would use any necessary means to gain independence. Puerto Rico has been a territory of the United States for almost a century. The citizens of Puerto Rico have always had different views on whether they want independence or greater autonomy. The following essay will focus on the commonwealth status of Puerto Rico and the attempted assassination of President Truman. The commonwealth status of Puerto Rico between the 1950-1952 was with limitedRead MorePuerto Rico Essay2075 Words  | 9 PagesPuerto Rico is an island located in the northeastern Caribbean Sea, which is an unincorporated territory of the United States. The islands of Puerto Rico were acquired by the United States in 1898, where Spain ceded the islands to the U.S. In 1917, the Jones Act declared Puerto Rico to be an â€Å"organized but incorporated†territory of the United States, and granted US citizenship to all the residents who wanted it. An â€Å"unincorporated territory†, according to the US Supreme Court Insular Cases, ofRead MorePuerto Rico Statehood2998 Words  | 12 PagesPuerto Rico Statehood Composition 2 (11 am) Decmeber-02-2010 Formal Outline Topic: Puerto Rico Statehood Purpose: To encourage the US and Puerto Rican government to for more interest for Puerto Rico statehood. Thesis: As an American I feel our government needs to make more progress, and give more encouragement to Puerto Rico to become a state though education, and social learning. Introduction: Body: I Economics: A: Underemployment B: Taxes Incentives C: Effects on the economy II Political:Read MorePuerto Rican Culture : Puerto Rico1564 Words  | 7 PagesPuerto Rico Puerto Rico is one of the twenty-eight Caribbean island nations and is slightly smaller than the state of Connecticut. Its climate is tropical, rainy, and warm. The population of the island is 3,994,259 and its capital is San Juan (Atienza, Cardona). According to the 2008 U.S. Census, America is home to over 4 million Puerto Ricans, 25 percent of them living in New York with an estimated 900,000 living in New York City (Kittler, Sucher, Nelms 263). Since there is such a large amountRead MorePuerto Rico Essay841 Words  | 4 PagesPuerto Rico is now facing yet another challenge of bacterial contamination due to lack of clean water and resources. People are drinking contaminated water that has been exposed to toxic and human waste (A Look at the Heath Crisis in Pueto Rico after Hurricane Maria, 2017). People are not only at risk for contraction of bacteria by drinking contaminated water but also by standing or walking through contaminated flood water where the bacteria can penetrat e through any open wound (A Look at the HeathRead MoreThe Future Of Puerto Rico1312 Words  | 6 Pages in a referendum not sanctioned by Congress, the people of Puerto Rico voted in favor of statehood. However, with a current debt load of $70 billion, will statehood be granted. Literature listed suggests that granting statehood could possibly address Puerto Rico’s crushing debt, unemployment, and poverty. However, others argue that Puerto Rico’s island loyalty could have enormous implications for the future of the U.S. if Puerto Rico became the 51st state. Evidence suggests that the mountingRead MoreThe Issue Of Puerto Rico1542 Words  | 7 PagesPuerto Rico is a territory of the United States since 1898 and in order to change that status citizens of the territory must vote in a plebiscite, a special referendum. The three options available to choose from were to become a state, to remain a territory, or to become an independent nation (Martin). In the November 6, 2012 plebiscite held in Puerto Rico, 54% of the population said that do not like the current commonwealth status of the island (Alexandrino). The next question offered to the populationRead MorePuerto Rico And Its Effects Essay1153 Words  | 5 PagesPuerto Rico is spanish for rich port. It’s history, landscapes, food, and climate make it a world class destination for tourist. Puerto Rico is a caribbean island with landscapes of mountains, waterfalls and the El Yunque tropical rainforest. It is one of the most densely populated islands in the world. Puerto Rico is 3,515 square miles which is three time the size of Rhode Island. The population of the island is 3,474,182 making it one of the most densely populated islands in the world. With a
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Describing Death Free Essays
Giovanni Martinelli’s early career as a Florentine painter is relatively unknown. It is documented that he moved to Florence in 1634. Prior to relocating, Martinelli produced Memento Mori (Death Comes to the Dinner Table). We will write a custom essay sample on Describing Death or any similar topic only for you Order Now This piece has a comparable style to the Florentine painters Filippo Tarchiani and Anastagio Fontebuoni. Memento Mori is displayed in a clear narrative style. Martinelli created a colorful and dramatic scene that was underscored by the hasty arrival of death. Some translations state that Memento Mori means â€Å"Remember, you shall die. Here, Martinelli portrays a group of five individuals of varying ages. They appear to be from a wealthy stock. They wear expensive clothing and are seen at a dinner table partaking in a party of sorts. They are gallivanting around a table that is filled with an abundant collection of exotic fruits, pies, and pastries. Along with the food, Martinelli painted various wine glasses that appear to be hand-crafted and of the highest fashion. Giovanni used bright, shiny silken wear with colors ranging from yellow, to peach, to blue. The colors complement each figure, adding to their personality and desire for greed. These wealthy-looking people appearâ€â€almost instantaneouslyâ€â€to be in a rigid state of duress. On the far right side of the painting, we see, in dark shades, the resemblance of a skeleton holding up an hourglass, as if to say, â€Å"cheers. †This one-time jovial band of feasters is seen reacting to the new character intruding on their high-standing party. The faces offer gestures of utter shock and dismay. All the focus shifts from their colorful mealtime festivities to this arch nemesis, and back again. The skeletal metaphor of death leans into one man’s shoulder. This man closest to death is in the act of clutching his heart. His eyes dilate toward the figure of death and his mouth, just slightly ajar, appears to be ready to cave open in utter horror. He, however, is too dumbfounded by this apparent figure of death’s close proximity to do anything but freeze in horror. ANALYSIS OF MEMENTO MORI There are two men at the rear end of the table, furthest from death. They are also horrified. One man is seen posturing with arms wide-open, even though his is furthest from death. He is attempting to back away; yet, at the same time, he is powerless and unable to leave the empty gaze of death’s vision; for running will do no good to the mortal man, regardless if he led a life of sin-hood or martyrdom. Morals were almost epidemic in Martinelli’s fresco works. Memento Mori is another classic story-telling scene with moralistic intent. The era of this 17th century creation occurred at a time when plague was a hearty, healthy killer. The deathful onslaught of plague, in all its pestilence, came to towns without warning. It attacked the poor and wealthy alike, caring little for a person’s status in regards to wealth, politics, or religion. To create the moral fabric surrounding the powers of death through plague, Martinelli displayed deep imagery between the youthful party-goers who were enjoying their food and intoxicating drinks. He contrasts these free-willing, wealthy individuals with the ghastlyâ€â€even chillingâ€â€reality of death. He does so by casting death’s chin over one man’s shoulder. This imagery adds power and personality to the fresco. Martinelli displays the image of death coming to this gathering alone and without emotion or guile. The lone figure of death is shown to uproot the lives of this group of healthy, stress-free peopleâ€â€startling the living daylights out of everyone, young and old. MODERN-DAY IRONY Today, some four-hundred years after Giovanni Martinelli finished his last brush stroke to canvas, we remain as close to the fear of death’s randomness as the 17th century plague-ridden societies were. For 300 years plague hung over the lives of Europeans like an omnipresent cloud,†said Mormando, who is an Italian studies professor at Boston College. This statement, today, holds tremendous weight to our real-world current lifestyle. Today, terrorism, war, suicide bombing, and the like are the molds that cast this same skeletal image at our kitchen table. Terrorism is a specter that comes at us in many forms: anthrax, subway bombs, and suicide hijacker leading to the massive death of September 11, 2001. Just as smallpox left past centuries in a state of despair and real fear, we, today, see how fear forces us to change our reality. This changing reality holds an ominous likeness to the changes that the banqueters in Momento Mori faced. Martinelli’s plague painting is characteristic 17th century Italian. The horrific tendency of the subject matter never destroyed the utter beautyâ€â€even charismatic charmâ€â€of the oils that he chose to mix in his representation of terror and deathly destruction. For in his era of epidemics and massive death, hardly a decade passed without plague haunting a town and bringing it to its knees. When this painting was created, there wasn’t anything small about death. It came in massive, near apocalyptic proportions, decimating generations in the blink of an eye. So, the timing of Martinelli’s piece was right in line with the mood of the generation. This connection further enlivened his work back then. Since we, in the dawn of the 21st century, can relate to massive death and fear through terrorism, war, and civil upheaval around the globe, it also adds empowering imagery to his age-old mastery. The imagery of Memento Mori is further encapsulated by the grave images on these wealthy party-goers’ faces. The hand-crafted beautiful likeness on the faces of those facing death offers deep-rooted thinking that says: As some of the Italians survived a plague-ridden epidemic, they continued to look-over-their-shoulders awaiting the next surprise visit by the specter of death. It’s rather haunting how this parallels with what terrorism instills upon societies around the planet today. Plague paintings like Martinelli’s, many times, depicted a person pinching their nose to refrain from smelling the horror of death in the air. Martinelli, however, appeared to glaze over his moral of death and the fear of death by not rendering any people in his paintings to be abhorred by the scent of death. This may further enhance the true lifestyle of the wealthy in the 17th century: they had more than they could fathom. So, was Martinelli a closet optimist? Or was his subliminal imagery set up to leave us with this question: How can the rich continue to ignore the fate of death, and why don’t they seem concerned with finding ways to better humanity instead of bettering their personal property and lavishness? In closing, we must also consider the element of hope and healing, and why it is not apparent in Memento Mori. We must consider the ‘miasma theory’ and its transmission by way of corrupt air. It’s the complete randomness of plague that Martinelli depicts so well that adds such force to this painting. As we continue to live in corrupt societies, it seems that the fear of death will continue to hang over our shoulders. Terrorism is likened to the countless plagues that washed over communities those many centuries ago. As death and terror come and go, the art of the masters remain untouched. How to cite Describing Death, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Major forms of the War Literature-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Write an Essay on the Man I killed" and also "My Country". Answer: Introduction As a writer it is your duty to identify all the requirement of any writing. When it comes to the essay concept it goes without saying that the thesis statement needs to contain the essence, which is the most significance part as well as meaning for the whole definition which has been presented to the reader (Csaire, 2014). The thesis statement reveals the level of the definition of the essay concept since it refers the ability of the author to be able to single out the most vital part of the definition of the term. War has been cruel aspect of life particularly since the beginning of time and thus it has been one of the greatest subjects of the literature. There are 3 major forms of the war literature takes. The first one is a simple objective documentation for the battles which make up the war (Hanh, 2013). The second highlights the stories of the soldiers during as well as the after the war (Csaire, 2014). The last highlights the questions which caused and the purpose of the war. In this study it is important to understand the theme or the concept which underlie The story of the man I killed. The author Obrien has highlighted the things the soldiers could withstand the central themes when it comes to the war which is carrying physical as well as the unwanted emotional baggage (WU, 2015). Moreover, it can be identified how questionable how the soldiers could cope with the horrors of the war. Throughout the novel it has highlighted how the soldiers use various mechanisms in order to manage the emotional baggage (Hanh, 2013). The other work which is related to the thesis statement of this story and would be discussed in regards to the themes, character are My country. This work will be described in this study which is important as a result of the differences when it comes to the explanation when it comes to the characters and the themes of the stories. In my country there is a literacy poetic device that make the poem to become easier for one to remember as well as provide poetic form, particularly when it comes to alliteration and the onomatopoeia. The poem has used the language of synecdoche and it has shown that the war leaves a mark, although this is dehumanizing these soldiers still want to maintain a sense of the humanity. By participating in the war, the soldiers they show they are much willing to give up their lives for the greater cause (WU, 2015). Nonetheless, this does not mean that all the soldiers fight simply because it is the honorable things to do. Some of the soldiers usually fight since they want to achieve glory. There has been similarity which has been linked on the structure of the The man killed and My country in that they provide the central message of the writer. This statement would be discussed when analyzing these two concepts (WU, 2015). In both it is clear that the war is the most compelling literature in the world and even after the battle has been over, those soldiers who survive are jaded and are changed forever by the war References Csaire, A. (2014). Return to my native land. Archipelago. Hanh, T. N. (2013). Call Me By My True Names: The Collected Poems. Parallax Press. Hemingway, E. (2014). The complete short stories of Ernest Hemingway. New Canadian Library. WU, T. W. D. (2015). Statement of originality (Doctoral dissertation, The Hong Kong Institute of Education).
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